Sociasl HW Colonial Beginnings Due: Jan 27

Read pages 56 and 57 from the socials ministry book part 2

Now answer these questions:

Colonial Beginnings


1. Use a timeline to organize these events in chronological order:

     a. Almagro´s son killed Pizarro and took control.

     b. Francisco Pizarro fought with his partner Diego de Almagro over the control of Peru.

     c. Almagro was defeated and killed.

     d. The Spanish authorities who were defeated killed Almagro´s son.

     e. There was an internal conflict between the "Spanish Crown" and the conquerors  

     f. Pedro de la Gasca grouped an army and in 1548 defeated Gonzalo Pizarro.

     g. Gonzalo Pizarro defeted the viceroyal Vaca de Castro in Quito and then killed him.


2. Draw a chart and write 3 details regarding the responsabilities and duties of each of the following subjects in the Encomienda System:

The Spanish Crown:

The Encomendero:

The Priest:

The Indigenous people:


3. Next to the following dates, write the villages which were founded by the conquerors.











4. Write true or false next to each statement. If it is false please correct it to make it true

a. Every village ha a Cabildo or governor.

b. The Diocesis of Quito was founded in 1592 and its dean was Priest García Díaz Arias.

c. The Royal Audience of Quito was founded in 1566 within the viceroyalty of Peru.

d. The Royal Audience of Quito had the duty of political and legal administration.