Language Homework due January 16

Hello there!

I want to let you know that I had great fun at your presentations about New Year around the world. There were so many interesting facts! Now, it`s time to work with those facts and write an expository paragraph which compares and constrasts these festivities. Follow these procedure:

1. Choose two different celebrations and create a Venn diagram in your Notebook.

2. Recall or review what is an expository paragraph that compares and contrast (we had two in our grammar book about NY and Tokyo)

3. Check the info below or follow the link for additional information: 

comparison-contrast paragraph compares two things. The differences can be large or small, depending on the goals of the writer. This next paragraph compares processed and unprocessed food, but unlike the previous example, it does stake out a position:

     There are many advantages to purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables as an alternative to popular processed food items at your local grocer store. While potato chips and donuts are tasty and frozen food is convenient, a habit of eating food prepared in a factory leads to overall poor nutrition and can cause bad health. These ill effects result in increased visits to the dentist or the family physician. A bag of apples might cost more than a bag of Cheetos, but savings in health costs far outweigh the immediate savings at the cash register. Besides, pound for pound, fresh food often turns out to be cheaper than packaged food. Many people forget that when they buy something that is packaged or frozen, they are also buying the packaging which lures shoppers into buying the product. Commercials on television successfully convince consumers that the decisions to buy packaged food is logical, but facts about nutrition and value prove otherwise.

4. Now, it is time for your first draft... Wait, and the brainstorm... Well, you already did the brainstorm when you created the Venn diagram!! Write the first draft in your NB

5. Read your draft again and revise it  using the proofreading symbols to make any corrections. Pay attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation

6. FInally, rewrite your draft in a word document. The document must have your NAME and DATE. Please include a title for your paragraph. Make sure you use ARIAL font with a size of 16 and Double spacing between the lines.


1.Venn Diagramm in my NB

2. I checked the info about expository paragraphs

3. I wrote my first draft in my NB

4. My first draft has the corrections 

5. I worte the paragraph in word

6. My word document has: NAME and DATE

7. My paragraph has a title 

8. The word document is written with: ARIAL 16 and DOUBLE SPACE

9. PRINT YOUR HW AND BRING IT IN! (or send it to me by mail  if you have no printer)