Socials HW for Dec 9th

Read pages 40-41 and do the following activities:

1. Print or draw a map with the continents. Use color to identify the routes used to get from Europe to China in the past. (use one color for the water path and anpther for the land path).

2. List 3 the postive and 3 negative facts related to the trips from Europe to The Indias in the past.

3. What were the theories related to the shape of the Earth in the past?

4. Which european country made great efforts to develope trading through the african route?

5. When did Chistopher Columbus arrived to what he believed was India?

6. What name did Columbus give to the island he and his men arrived to?

7. Name the three ships that Columbus used for his journey

8. Who was the Queen that supported Christopher in his Project?

9. Inquire more: In a map (draw or print) locate Puerto de Palos and San Salvador. Then, label the route Columbus used.

10. What is the difference between explore, conquer and discover?