Science Homework: Soil DUE: october 31

Class, class, class! ___,____,____

Now that I have your attention I can explain what this homework is about.

Please put on your reading glasses and become an inquirer.

You'll need: you science notebook, your science book and your pencil case. We are going to SUMMARIZE!

Remember that for summarizing you only need main ideas and important facts.

Let`s get to work!

My Research about Soil

Date:                                                                      Name:

Read page C-84 / take notes or underline the main ideas

1. Answer the following questions in your notebook. Make sure you copy the question and then write the answer.

Read page C-84 / take notes or underline the main ideas

What is soil?

What factors influece the type of soil a place has?

Make foldable that describes: sandy soil, clay soil and rocky soil

Read page C-85/ take notes or underline the main ideas

Complete the paragraph:

How Soil is Formed

The process of soil formation begins with _____________ and it takes ___________  _____  ___________. It all starts in the first layer, the ___________. When the bedrock weathers it becomes part of a soil called _________ soil. When the soil has different minerals than the bedrock it is known as _____________ soil. Once soil is forming, ____________ star growing. Organic material or ___________ is carried to the developing soil by the _________. Many organisms help with the development of a fertile soil.


Read page C-86/ take notes or underline the main ideas

First: In a small jar present the different types of horizons and a small definition of each.

Second: take a picture of it or drwa it in your notebook. Make sure you label the horizons and write the characteristics of each.

Here are some ideas:

Read page C87

Name two ways of protecting the topsoil

Read page C88

Name the ways in which farmers conserv the soil protecting it from water, wind and other erosion factors.

APA refrence page! Make sure you do it correctly!