Opciones de matriculación

Hello students!
Welcome to the A1 English course for children aged 7 to 12 years.


-Teacher Profile

  • Contact Name: MSc. Lorena Deyaneira Rojas R.
  • University: Central University of Ecuador
  • Master's Degree: Degree in Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages: Spanish - French - English

    Master in Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages with mention in Teaching French and Spanish English.

-Course information:

English Academy - English A1 with Lorena Rojas

  • Start of the Course: July 21, 2024
  • Course Duration: 1 year
  • Topics: 
  • The alphabet
  • Numbers
  • Body parts
  • The family

-Contact Information:

  • Email: ldrojasr@uce.edu.ec
  • Phone: 3147918928
-General Course Information
-This course is specifically aimed at children ages 7 to 12.
-In this course you will find explanatory videos as well as interactive activities, evaluations that will help you to have a better learning of the English language.

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