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Welcome to your English course! Get ready to embark on an adventure where every lesson brings you closer to fluency! Let's begin!

 Here I'm going to put a video for having fun in this course.

Welcome for everyone.
My name is Jossue Titoaña, and I'm going to be your guide for learning this beautiful language.
teacher's photo

Age: 24 years old

Nationality: Ecuadorian

Occupations: Teacher in Central University of Ecuador, major of Spanish, English
and French.

Passions: Singing, listen to the first, in specifically The music and his melodys, structures and armony

Personal information of the teacher

E-mail: jcabezas6a@gmail.com

Ig: @iwokeupbored

If you want to contact me, do not hesitate and do it for solving your questions.
motival frase

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