My Teacher is an Alien Due: Nov.25

1. How Strong Is an Alien's Nose?

 Vocabulary: Remember to write the sentence were the word was found. The meaning and part of speech.

pneumonia (pg. 28)

exaggeration (pg. 28)

courtesy (pg. 29)

dramatic (pg. 29)

prospect (pg. 29)

Figurative Language: What is the meaning of these expressions

"I felt like someone was grinding metal next to my ear" (pg. 26) 

"plowed my way through the mess" (pg. 27)

"shoveling a load of broccoli onto my plate" (pg. 28)

"as nervous as a marshmallow at a bonfire" (pg. 30)


▪ Describe how Susan is feeling. 1 paragraph

▪ "Did you ever have something awful happen to you and not react to it until later" (pg. 27)? Describe your experience. 1 paragraph

Compare your reaction to Susan's.